unknown state

英 [ˌʌnˈnəʊn steɪt] 美 [ˌʌnˈnoʊn steɪt]

网络  未知状态



  1. Because validation occurs before the component values are bound to the model ( in the update model values phase), the model is in an unknown state.
  2. Resetting the center position can create a jump movement upon tilt past a threshold, but is preferable in many applications to a slow drift or unknown initial state.
  3. However, it is not advisable to use hot update in real time system, because hot update could result in the system leading into an unknown state.
  4. If there is a link in an unknown state, there will be a red question mark on the type icon.
  5. This could leave the container in an unknown state, possibly causing data corruption.
  6. Teleportation of an Unknown Atomic-entangled State via the Interaction of V-type Three-level-atom with Two-mode Cavity Field
  7. Based on adiabatic passage, transfers of an unknown state of one atom, entangled state of two-atom and GHZ state are realized, where only one vacuum-cavity is needed.
  8. Scheme for Transfer of an Unknown Atomic State Via Cavity QED;
  9. I hope that my work is in an unknown state.
  10. Controlled Teleportation of Unknown Two-particle State Based on Four-Particle Partly Entangled State
  11. A set of equations to find the top surface unknown state quantities was obtained by utilizing the top and bottom surface known quantities.
  12. The deviation of the theorem is based on the basic constraint in quantum mechanics-the linearity of the Hilbert space. It points out that it is impossible to exactly copy an arbitrary unknown quantum state.
  13. In 1993, Bennett et al proposed a scheme for teleporting an unknown quantum state of one-particle.
  14. As an application, a scheme for teleporting an N-particle unknown state via the product state of W states is investigated.
  15. A scheme of teleporting a two-qubit unknown atomic state is proposed.
  16. A scheme for teleporting an unknown quantum state via a partially entangled particle pair is proposed.
  17. A representation of an N-particle arbitrary and unknown state is proposed.
  18. A scheme for probabilistic teleportation of an arbitrary and unknown three-particle state is given.
  19. Signal detection of PSA means detecting the signal at given direction with unknown polarization state under generalized noise background.
  20. Probabilistic teleportation of an N-particle arbitrary and unknown state via W states
  21. The teleportation scheme of an N-particle unknown state can be realized by Alice's Bell-state measurements and Bob's computation basis measurements and unitary transformations with the probability of the successful teleportation ( 2/ 3)~ N.
  22. Quantum teleportation allows transmit an unknown quantum state from a sender, traditionally named Alice, to receiver, or Bob, both are spatially separated.
  23. Utilizing that the sliding mode observer can overcome the unknown input disturbance of the control system, and sliding mode observer is designed to observe system unknown state variables.
  24. In practical application, to obtain the prior information of unknown state is very difficult and as a result, the state model based on it has large uncertainty.
  25. State estimator ( filtering) is to estimate the unknown state in system via measurable observed signal, which is one of basic problems in the area of control and signal processing.
  26. Here, the basic theorem of the security of quantum cryptography is no-cloning theorem, which forbids cloning an unknown state perfectly.
  27. It needs infinite classical information to describe an unknown quantum state.
  28. It is impossible to copy ( or clone) an unknown quantum state perfectly. This is one of the basic rules governing the quantum physics, and that is no-cloning theorem.
  29. It tends to turn their attention to the changes, accidental, complex, micro-or even unknown state, reflects the contradictions and open narrative perspective.
  30. Quantum tomography can reconstruct density matrix by measuring a large number of unknown quantum state in the same status to gain quantum state information.